Monday 23 June 2008

Look Nicky I updated my blog ^_^

How long before I give up on this?

Not long

20th June 2008
My end of year prom - Buckatree Hall Hotel , Wellington

Left for 2:30 for my make up in muxton, was dead impressed with it...=]
Donna had payed for it cause Im always called out to babysit at silly times of the night and things so she thought I deserved it ^^

Then went straight for my hair at 4pm, Although was slightly annoyed that I didnt actually get in there till 4:20 and came out at 5:30 having to be at Gemma's for 6. Was not impressed -_-

Got to gemma's and saw everyone and the limo waiting that limo was sexay.
We all had pics taken and climbed in the gorgeous limo, and drank shloer lol xD
I managed to fall over and nearly spill drink all over Salome lol woops ^_^

We arrived to find most of our year standing outside watching us, and I had to *gracefully* get out of the limo lol

We went to talk to people and stuff, *can you tell I hate writing blogs!!!!*

We danced, we ate, we took photos

My dress was loved ^_^ and my hair ^_^

I lead everyone in the dancing, and did the macarena, saturday night and the cha cha slide :D

Thennnnnnn my feet hurt :'( ....and round about half 11 we got the limo back to Newport...but first we went to see if mcdonalds was open but it wasnt lol :( so we went into town and bought chips and stayed at gemma's till 1am lol

And I slept in until 2pm the next day!!

Overall it was an amazing night, but the dancefloor was way too small and the food was manky

Ive just come back from Alton Towers and im shattered

PEace out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx