Tuesday 23 June 2009

Ripping up those L Plates


Yeah that's right. Im back with GOOD NEWS!!

Today at precisely 2:10pm I recieved the news that I'd passed my driving test after what I thought had been a very good test. I had to do a parallel park, a reverse around a corner and an emergency stop. I passed with only 7 minors! Dead chuffed!!!

Then I drove myself home, and later on picked Sam up from the skatepark ON MY OWN!! And woah was it weird driving on my own..haha.

Im so so pleased. 8 months worth of lessons and hours of practice with dad and finally Im legally allowed 2 drive. SO HAPPY!...

Work is going well, today I had to look after babies for 3 hours in a 24 degree warm room and it was BOILINGGGGGGG! I survived somehow haha...

And now im eating cookies

And Im going to London on Friday to see my JAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3>

Monday 1 June 2009


The weather is gorgeous right now! I love summer!!

The long light nights, the ice creams, the sun in your face cheering you up...ahh love it.

Im going to London again on Friday :D Staying with my wonderful Jamie until Tuesday :) Cant wait... hehe.

My weekend was good. I went to Emma's and we had a bbq with Nikki too, and then we watched the final of britains got talent that DIVERSITY WON! wooo :D Amazing was so pleased for them :)


I might have a proper summer job at Leapfrog :D I really hope I get it.

Ok gone all tired now

Thought I'd give you a little update...

Might do some sunbathing now haha ;)
