Sunday 21 September 2008

Black Symphony ...amazing.

I cant describe it!

My day has been so great!

I woke up to Mum telling me my "package" had arrived. So I was thinking, Oh it cant be Black Symphony 'cause that doesnt come out until Monday.

But guess what? It was...It had arrived!

I tore open the packaging with anticipation and held in my hands the sexiest, book like music dvd case Ive ever seen, with the amazing Black Symphony Art on the front. The words "This really is the greatest show on earth" scrolling along the top of the

I rushed upstairs, grabbed a shower, came out, stuck the dvd in the drive, and managed to watch the opening and jillian...and at the same time get ready for work...Sigh. I really wanted to watch my DVD!

I arrived at work at 12 and it was so quiet, I didnt know what to do. I mainly did washing up/drying all day, taking food out, cleaning tables and other random stuff like cutting cake for 4 hours. Finished my shift, Dad picked me up and we went to Maplins and Blockbuster. Then we went to Somerfield and after got a menu from the chinese.

After getting home, I switched the pc on again to watch Black Symphony and watched up to "the howling". I was called down for my chinese which was gorgeous, and after Id finished ran back upstairs to watch the rest of the dvd. SInce half 6 Ive been watching it.

Its amazing, the orchestra build up, duet's with Anneke , George and Keith...unplayed live songs like "the swan song" (which im listening to as I type this) ...the pyro...effects...songs which sound fantastic and epic like "the promise" just blew me away. I was mesmerised.

The only thing Im trying to get used to is the way its filmed, its quite fast moving and has effects like slow mo and things. Its quite choppy, and doesnt stay in a certain angle for more than 5 seconds, its much more advanced than The Silent Force tour dvd. But nevertheless its amazing!

After watching the whole concert at Ahoy, I watched the backstage extra's, spotted my friend Rachel Ruano who was interviewed before the concert, saw the "countdown" which was really cool and then after that watched the eindhoven concert...the one I was at! It was awesome knowing I could experience it again and again, and the fact I was actually there with Nicky totally rocks! I watched the backstage bits, and the tour part, and all in all its a fantastic dvd!

If you do buy it, make sure you have your wow effects turned up on media player it makes a LOT of difference ;)

Signing out

*listens to Memories*

Rachey xxxxxxxx

Thursday 11 September 2008

New College

Ok so I havent posted anything for a while, and the reason for that is Ive started college this week and I've been rather busy.

Monday 8th September
Ah so the day had come for me to start at my new college in Wellington. I got up at 7am and jumped in the shower....(way too early for me) . Got dressed , went downstairs but couldnt eat anything and then walked to the bus stop where I saw Helen and Jordan waiting for me.
The bus was late and we all got on it to see half of BBS on there (typical) =P and off we went to college.
Got at New College dead early and just wandered about speaking to people for like half an hour. Then me and jordan went to the libary to collect our timetables and we were in luck as we are in the same form :) Wooo. So we got to form and we have the crazy but nice french teacher Jo. She's really friendly, and also in my form there is Amy who I've known on the internet since like 2006..then Jack L, Vorny and Mel from BBS.
During tutor time she made us play "icebreakers" and we sorted out our timetable. This guy I met called Tim who is half french is really nice, and then theres Joe who is such a legend. So after like an hour or so, we all had to go to the hall for an assembly. The place was packed and I sat next to Joe. As we were sitting down, Joe kept looking around and he said "Arent these people so BEAUTIFUL! I mean just look at them BEAUTIFUL!" And im like LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Ah he's so hilarious, I need to pair him up with Andy =P.
So after the principal of the college drivelled on about how it took him 30 years to swim, we all went out and back into form. I went to my travel and tourism lesson, and oh boy, wish I hadnt!. Seriously they are all retards, they dont know a thing. I mean, not boasting or anything but I have quite a good sence of geography and capital cities and that. But this girl thought that Amsterdam was the capital of Lithuania...and another girl didnt know where Jersey was! I kept answering all the teachers questions and I felt really brainy. The majority of the people in there have really crap GCSE grades...and Im sitting there with 1 A* , 2 A's, 4 B's and 3 C's. So, you get my gist. They are only taking it cause its 70% coursework which the awfully boring teacher who makes me yawn keeps going on about. "ONLY take this course if you like coursework, remember its ..Look, I wont say it again....... 70% Coursework!". -_-
The work is so easy, like I finished all my work before anyone else.
So yeah, that was tourism *yawn*
After my 40 minute lunch, It was time for media. So off I went to find the class, and I was late so when I arrived everyone was looking at me ..Sigh . So I sat down to this scary looking girl, and Harvey our teacher made us do some icebreakers. We had to find out different things about the person next to us. So I turned to the then "scary looking girl" and she was dead nice! Her names Heather and she's also doing Art. But as I write this now she has decided to drop media :( *cries*. Ok so after the ice breaker, we watched skins and had to make notes on storylines etc. Then it was time for break, so me and heather hung out together and she is so awesome. We swapped myspace addys and now we are becoming really good mates! Like shes sooooo cool :).

Then at 4pm it was hometime, and caught the AT brown bus back from New College.
The day had gone rather well and I met lots of lovely people.

Tuesday 9th September
So on Tuesday, I got into Spanish and I was like 10 mins early so Maggie my teacher made me sort out some PC problem for her (which is like soooo easy) . Then everyone else came in and I felt at home straight away. They are all there because they love spanish like me! Cause at BBS the majority just wanted to get their C and get the hell outta there. But not me, I wanted to get my A*. (and I did). So after some icebreakers, and lots of talking in spanish. Then Maggie mentioned a trip to Barcelona in March and im just sitting there like... WOW. COOL!
We did some work and by the time we had finished all of that it was time for tourism.
I got to tourism and it was like packed, loads of people had joined the class....and they were mostly 2nd years retaking it. I was sat on my own between two 2nd years and they were discussing how many E's they had in their GCSE's..*sigh*
So we all sat down at the PC's and got to work on our maps. Everyone was asking me questions and I was in utter shock when this girl asked me if Dunkerque was a country : . Dumbo.
After the girls trying to copy my work , I finished most of the work and at 1pm went home. Got the 55 then 481 which took like a whole hour, and got home at 2:30! YAY! :)

Wednesday 10th September
The day when I was half deaf. Seriously. I woke up and couldnt hear anything out of my right ear. When I got to college, I could hardly hear anything aah it was horrible. I got to college at like 11:20 as I had no morning lesson. I went straight to tutorial and saw everyone, and we got our ID photo is awful. Then we got given this huge folder thing with tons of sheets in I will never read. Oh well.
After lunch and having the best tuna baguette in the world from greggs. Me and Alex P went back and I went straight to English. And wow, is my english class hilarious. The teacher is lovely, and my class is small but they are all really nice and on my level of intelligence thank god. We all had a right laugh and at about 40 mins into the lesson my hearing came back and I was like YES!. After the break we all did speed dating and me and Joe had a good laugh =P He's so awesome!. The course sounds well good, like travel writing and things. And guess where we get to go in November? London! To see 2 west end shows including Wicked! and the war museum, shopping and camden market. Plus 1 night in a B+B. Wooo Cant wait. English Rocks :)

Thursday 11th September
Today. Ok so I wasnt half deaf today wooo :). Got up early again, and felt awfully sick. Got on the bus and it was packed. Then got into media and we have this awesome teacher called Graeame. He really makes you learn, and is so enthusiastic. We looked at how photos give us certain connotations, and next lesson we get to do photography wooo!!
Spanish was ok, and tourism ...well I finished all my work 15 mins early so I was outta there. I dunno whether to stick with it or not...
Im getting bored of doing this blog, but yeh I came home at like 5 so wasnt too happy, and Ive been watching the silent force tour dvd to cheer me up :) Ahhh <3


Adios xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 6 September 2008

Telford, Rain & The Big Brother Finale!

My legs ache...I dont know why they just really do!! (Probably because of all that walking around today in Telford) hehe =P.

Ok, So I got up at about 11ish and watched some random property programmes on BBC 1. I love property programmes, I'm a little obsessed with them. Always watching Homes under the Hammer or To buy or not to buy. I like them =] I also love watching a place in the sun, simply cause I want to live abroad and escape this rain-forsaken country once and for all.

Right anyway, I kinda digressed there....
After watching all those shows, I got a shower and waited for mum to come home from work. I was in the midst of making a tuna sandwich when I left the room for like, 2 seconds and returned to find Kerry on the worktop eating the bowl of tuna mayo for my sandwich. Great!!!..

After avoiding the tuna , I jumped in the car with Mum and we went to BHS. Mum swapped my jeans and I went to meet my friend Kirsty who I met at New College. She's so awesome and is the same height as me so I dont feel like a giant around her, like all my other friends who are smaller than me :). We went around various shops and I bought 4 pairs of socks from Primark, "Shopaholic ties the knot" (the next installment in the series) from Waterstones, some pens and food from poundland. Oh and a sneaky sausage roll from gregs ;).
I asked around in Game and Gamestation about how much my DS Lite and 2 games would be worth. They quoted me £80 for the whole lot. Dissappointing as the console itself (new) is £100 and the games cost £30 each. Hmmm. Maybe I'll just keep it, or maybe not.
After Kirsty and I went around literally every shop in Telford ...(Avoiding the monsoon outside like the plague) we went to meet her mum and they gave me a lift back to my house.
I came home and it was still chucking it down with
I watched this really cool programme about british people emigrating to Australia. Lucky people, I wanna emigrate! I had my tea and then watched Neighbours on repeat.
After that my night of TV started. I watched this thing about making marriages last in today's world, then after that tuned into the night we had all been waiting for. Well especially me. The Big brother Final part 1..
So I watched the first installment, which was shocking. Then watched Ugly Betty which has come back on after a huuuuuuuuuge break. And its annoying me already.
Anyway..on to..the..
The Big Brother Final!
Davina looked beautiful. And I really wanted Rex or Mikey to win.
Well, Darnell finished 5th, Rex 4th , Sara 3rd, Mikey 2nd...and
Seriously, I mean ...she was so boring....
Mikey should have won. Grr.
But after she came out of the famous big brother doors, and the fireworks went off ..and people started cheering for her instead of booing, I felt really pleased for her. Mainly because she was the least expected housemate to win, and she was also so happy and nice. Constantly singing "happy house" obviously got her to win.

So after the final, I watched Big Brother's Big mouth ... which was good..
All the housemates were on there.
Its weird cause Davina's like, "These people only a few months ago were complete strangers, now look at them, they are celebrities". Which is true, but only cause they auditioned for Big Brother and managed to get on. Lucky people. Oh and the magazine deals...especially Luke and Bex..See for yourselves..

Now Im here, typing away to you..whoever you are

Sorry I had to blog about all the tv I watched tonight, especially Big Brother. But I've watched it right from Day It was important to me =P

Going to Emma's house tomorrow night for pizza's and a movie. Hopefully work wont ring to make work tomorrow, Ive kinda avoided them at all costs . They said they would ring me back about the days I would be working and never did... Losers


Thursday 4 September 2008

Rachel has new hair

It's red!

Wooo :)

I love it.

Today started out well. I was woken up by mum again at like, 11am and then I went and had a shower. Mum went to work and I made sure all the cats were fed and started to make my way up to the the hairdressers. It was pouring with rain so I was walking kinda fast.
Got the to the bottom of the road and saw my Dad's mate Mike. He didnt say anything about him going to the USA to meet his newborn son..who was born a month ago. He still hasnt seen him... -_-
Hiding under my umbrella , I walked down to the hairdressers and got there in time.
I sat for about 2 hours in the hairdressers having my hair done, a loooong time. Ive had reds, chocolates and caramels put in my hair and it looks lovely :) Really red and gorgeous. Love it <3.
After I got out of the hairdressers I walked back home and it was sunny!!! Typical..
Came back and everyone admired my new hair. Watched neighbours and had some tea. Then scoffed the remaning ben and jerry's ice cream lol..Im such a greedy pig =P
Then after tea I watched "Who do you think you are?"...a repeat one from last night, and it was really interesting. Afterwards I went and took Max a walk, and saw Linz & Soph for the first time in weeks :) They are going to start their colleges next week too. Shrewsbury and Stafford.
Came home, and watched big brother
And here I am, Really tired and feeling moody lol *Stay Away*

Meeting Kirsty tomorrow in Telford :) Should be fun

Not much else to report....


Wednesday 3 September 2008

Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch

My finger :'(
Call an ambulance! Somebody! Ive damaged every last muscle, bone, nerve in my precious finger!
Ok..So that was a little dramatic.
But basically, I hit my finger off the shelf by accident. It really hurts =[

Just thought I'd share that with you...

I almost cried when I saw Rachel's reaction to Kathreya leaving on Big Brother... Very Sad.
Ooh Oohh... and guess what's back?
Desperate Housewives - YAY! &&&&& Ugly Betty!!! <3

Aahh...I love American Sitcoms

Rain Rain, Go Away!

Rain , Rain go away come again another day! Thats all its done today. Rain.

It makes me sad :( I prefer sunny weather when its nice and hot...Oh well. This is England for goodness sake.
Today I was woke up at 11:30 by my mum shouting "Rachel, its time to get up!"..I grumpily made myself get out of bed and move my tired legs down the stairs. I'd gotten a letter through the post, and mum said it was from Mars company. (Sweet company)
I'd recieved the letter 'cause I complained about a really horrible pack of malteasers 3 weeks ago. The chocolate was dry and tasteless, and the whole thing was soft and disgusting.
They sent me a very kind apologetic letter, along with a £5 voucher to spend on as many sweets as I want :D (Well..totalling to £5) =P Ok, that didnt make sense.
So I was all happy with my letter and voucher, so headed upstairs for a shower..and sat on the computer for a while. Mum came back from work and then Donna came with Finlay for about an hour, and I held him...he's so cute and smiles at me loads =)
I finished off my curry and headed up to work to collect my payment from like, 2 weeks ago.
They were really moody with me, the big 2 bosses were there..and I asked them for my pay and he said "well..if its there" and Im thinking to myself..."Erm..Hello?..You OWE me money..Dont mess me around..AGAIN!". So keeping calm, the other boss says to me "well..I didnt think you worked here anymore...havent seen you for a while". And Im like "What so shes fired me? You havent seen me for a while cause youre never at work!"....Grrrr.
So after I collected my £36 squidsworth...I went back to mum, and explained what had gone on. She wasnt too happy, and went back in with me and moaned at my boss. Good old mum cause I wouldnt have been brave enough to do so...
Anyway, we left and that was the end of that. Mum and I headed back to Newport to meet David and Sam from School. Its so weird seeing everyone at school and Im not there with them! Weird. I booked myself in for my hair tomorrow. (Im having it cut and highlighted...Yay!) and mum did the same for her. I walked back home with David and went past the girls high. Saw my friends Kylie and Sophie who have just started Sixth Form there..they seem to be settling in well :). So we came home, watched some really funny tidal wave film on channel 5 and then went and played Guitar Hero 3. Had dinner, and helped clean up. Oh and had some chocolate fudge brownie ice cream..Cant forget that!.
And Here I am :)

Im going to take max out now, as its getting pitch black. Its only 10 past 8!!
Feels like winter already...and its the...3rd of September?

Ahh well....

Signing off ;)

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Police, New College and Thunderstorms.

Hey guys

Well, today was a bit crazy!
After getting up at about 11:30 I grabbed a shower and got dressed, and had some pizza.
My New College interview was set for 2:40 , but I had to get there 20 minutes early.
So at about 2pm me and mum set off to New College.
All was well until mum pulled up to turn around to park at the college. A police car pulled up and we thought "Ok , he's probably asking us which way we are going" . But then, one of the policemen stepped outside and approached my mum.
Unfortunatley he announced that my mum had been driving her car , uninsured since June.. Not good. Shocked and slightly confused, I checked the time and realised I was 10 minutes late for my interview....I had to get out of the car and walk to New College before I missed my interview altogether.
After getting into college, I made my way to the signing in desk and then they photocopied and checked my GCSE results. A kind lady then directed me to the "English & MFL" table where I sat for about 3 mins...
Out of nowhere a friendly english tutor came up to me and said "Are you Rachel?" and I replied "I am indeed!" so off we went to the hall to have my interview.
After asking numerous questions about where I went on holiday, and my summer in general..we sorted out my timetable and Im lucky cause I have 2 mornings and 2 afternoons off :) Pretty good in my opinion.
So after that was all over, I went across to the waiting area and spotted one of my best friends Carl :) I havent seen him for ages and he's coming to new college to so Im really pleased :) After deciding that the tutor Carl had spoke to was gay (according to Carl) we made our way up to the media studies area to sign a sheet saying "we wont do anything naughty on the internet" or summat...and then we went into another room to have our photo's taken.
Carl kept moving the chair up and down, whilst people were trying to have their photo's taken! Me and Carl just couldnt keep a straight face =P
After having my photo taken, (which is awful) we had to do this silly assessment test on the computer. The questions were so easy..but I took longer than anyone else to finish lol xD
After hearing the thunder, and managing to avoid the rain..I said bye to Carl and went out to meet mum in the car park...
She told me that the police nearly took her licence off her! But they let her off...and now the car IS insured...she is fine...
But whattt a day...poor mum.
Nice Police guys.

We got home, and had some spaghetti bolegnaise...Donna came and collected Toska (the last kitten left from Kerry's litter) and he managed to escape the cat basket. So after 10 minutes of trying to catch him ...he made his way to his new home all soaked from sitting under the wet tree.. lol
Bless him.

After that I walked Max...and it was so cold! Its only the 2nd of September and It feels like winter already! Where did summer dissappear to? :(

As my fingers are hurting from typing too fast Im gonna end this blog :)

See..your happy now that Im blogging again..I can sense it.

Rachey ;)

Monday 1 September 2008

Happy 1st of September :) and other random rambles.

Good Evening :)

Im here again! *gasp* Im actually blogging again!

(How long will this last?) :P

Happy 1st of September everyone :) The junior school went back to school today, and the BBS are going back tomorrow. But I have another week off yay :)

Today I managed to get up at 1pm! Sooo late! I felt so lazy. I then went downstairs and watched some tv and I think it was 2:20pm by the time I jumped in the shower! Then at about 2:45 I was in the car , driving into newport with mum.

It was chucking it down, and myself was feeling very tired and so was my Mum which is a bad combination! (We soon got on each others nerves!)

After parking the car we strolled around newport and then went to ASDA.

Then we had some fish and chips for tea - mmhmm.

Ive got toothache :( Stupid wisdom tooth! :(

Tomorrow is my New College interview to sort everything out. My bus pass came the other day, its all new and shiny. Ive never had a bus pass before hehe ^_^ ooh the novelty.
After the interview has finished Ive gotta go into work and get my money, or ring them. Tbh Im not gonna be working as much as usual as Im starting probably will be working Saturdays..or not at all until the christmas period :( No money :(
Im really really looking forward to college though. I mean its like a brand new start, and most of my friends are going so I will still get to see them, and I cant wait to make new friends too!
Ive decided to study Spanish (which I got an A* in at GCSE), Media, English Language and Travel and Tourism. ^_^ So I have quite a range of subjects. Exciting :)
But yeh, definetley looking forward to it =].

Saw Jamesy yesterday and we went on his nintendo wii :) played smash bro's and mario kart hehe :) was good to see him. I might be selling my ds lite to him *nooo* you nintendo lovers may cry...but I dont use it! Plus I need the money!.....

Im reading this really good book at the moment..its called "Shopaholic abroad" and its dead good =P I got it whilst I was in York - from my fave book shop Borders...:)

What else to tell? Not much except that Im looking forward to college .. and that the new WT dvd is coming out in 21 days! Woop :) Black Symphony <3.

Ooh Uhmmm *thinks*

Here's a picture :)

Yes its Me and Nicky's friends in Rowntrees Park in York. I said to them "Ok Guys, Ive got a good idea! All of you stand behind me , but dont let the camera see your heads, then outstretch your arms to make me look like an octopus...or some indian god.." lol xD

You get the idea..

Oh speaking of Nicky, she will be very pleased that ive updated this again...

(Nicky blogs everyday religiously)

What else to say??? *thinks again*...

Ohh another picture :) It always gives reason to write something =) Ya know.

Its a WT Montage that I made :3 Sharon is beautiful :)

Anyway, the blog has put huge spaces between my will go and correct that before I post :) Wow , I am being chatty today!.
*Deletes spaces*

*Finishes deleting spaces*

*Sings Amaranth*

*Returns to blogging*

Well..End of blogging.. haha

Signing off until another day..week..month..year?

Ciao ;)