Tuesday 2 September 2008

Police, New College and Thunderstorms.

Hey guys

Well, today was a bit crazy!
After getting up at about 11:30 I grabbed a shower and got dressed, and had some pizza.
My New College interview was set for 2:40 , but I had to get there 20 minutes early.
So at about 2pm me and mum set off to New College.
All was well until mum pulled up to turn around to park at the college. A police car pulled up and we thought "Ok , he's probably asking us which way we are going" . But then, one of the policemen stepped outside and approached my mum.
Unfortunatley he announced that my mum had been driving her car , uninsured since June.. Not good. Shocked and slightly confused, I checked the time and realised I was 10 minutes late for my interview....I had to get out of the car and walk to New College before I missed my interview altogether.
After getting into college, I made my way to the signing in desk and then they photocopied and checked my GCSE results. A kind lady then directed me to the "English & MFL" table where I sat for about 3 mins...
Out of nowhere a friendly english tutor came up to me and said "Are you Rachel?" and I replied "I am indeed!" so off we went to the hall to have my interview.
After asking numerous questions about where I went on holiday, and my summer in general..we sorted out my timetable and Im lucky cause I have 2 mornings and 2 afternoons off :) Pretty good in my opinion.
So after that was all over, I went across to the waiting area and spotted one of my best friends Carl :) I havent seen him for ages and he's coming to new college to so Im really pleased :) After deciding that the tutor Carl had spoke to was gay (according to Carl) we made our way up to the media studies area to sign a sheet saying "we wont do anything naughty on the internet" or summat...and then we went into another room to have our photo's taken.
Carl kept moving the chair up and down, whilst people were trying to have their photo's taken! Me and Carl just couldnt keep a straight face =P
After having my photo taken, (which is awful) we had to do this silly assessment test on the computer. The questions were so easy..but I took longer than anyone else to finish lol xD
After hearing the thunder, and managing to avoid the rain..I said bye to Carl and went out to meet mum in the car park...
She told me that the police nearly took her licence off her! But they let her off...and now the car IS insured...she is fine...
But whattt a day...poor mum.
Nice Police guys.

We got home, and had some spaghetti bolegnaise...Donna came and collected Toska (the last kitten left from Kerry's litter) and he managed to escape the cat basket. So after 10 minutes of trying to catch him ...he made his way to his new home all soaked from sitting under the wet tree.. lol
Bless him.

After that I walked Max...and it was so cold! Its only the 2nd of September and It feels like winter already! Where did summer dissappear to? :(

As my fingers are hurting from typing too fast Im gonna end this blog :)

See..your happy now that Im blogging again..I can sense it.

Rachey ;)

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