Thursday 15 April 2010

Beware of Ducks.

The Ramblings...

They are out to get you.

This classic road warning sign can be found just around the corner from my house (technically you turn a corner, cross a park, do a left...) anyway. It's awesome.

It's awesome because it's warning road users of ducks, yes my friends..ducks. Not just any ducks...oh no...the 3 or maybe 4 ducks that live at the mere just down the road from this sign.
There are probably more, maybe swarms of ducks hiding in the bushes that we don't know about...or there were ...20 odd years ago when this sign was put up.

Can you imagine driving your car and then suddenly a load of angry ducks appearing from nowhere trying to cross the road? No I can't either...and in the 14 years of living in this quiet town I have never seen a duck attempt to cross the road....strange.

(Also notice the 2 "Mark Pritchard" signs above it, they are plaguing the lamposts everywhere at the moment!)

Anyway....these are the sort of things I will always remember about my town. Duck signs, meres, ducks, swans, grass ..etc. When I move to London I won't have any of those things...well I know there are some swans, ducks and a bit of grass xD haha.

This was a random always. I just wanted to tell you all about the features of my little town...there are a few others I just don't have pictures for them..yet =P

The Latest.....

I keep trying for jobs and so far haven't managed to get one ...yet. I won't give up though..
Jamie's been up to stay a lot and we've seen each other loads recently which is great... :)

As for other things, not much happening really. Just attending interviews and things, signing on at my favourite place in the world...the job centre and seeing friends and stuff.

I'm sure I'll have something totally awesome to blog about besides road signs and I'm sure one will follow after my upcoming trip to York :)

Thats it for now....


Friday 9 April 2010

7th April 2010 - Our Anniversary

22nd February 2009

That is the date when I found Jamie Fawcett..a simple guy from London, who seemed to love Within Temptation as much as I do.

It was that evening around 11pm, that I was checking the WT website. News had been posted of Sharon giving birth to a baby boy, Robin.
I sent my congrats on the guestbook, and underneath my post was Jamie's. He had left his location as London, and also his email address.

I was in a random mood that night, call it fate but I added him to my msn...and that was the beginning of us.

We hit it off like a house on fire. He loved Within Temptation, Nightwish and loads of other bands that I love....he sent me a picture...and I fell in love.

He was shy at first, I told him about my love of WT and the time I flew out to Holland to see them live. We chatted until the early hours of the morning even though he had college at 9am, he stayed to talk to me.

I spent that time watching him on webcam, I was besotted. He had short blondey/brown hair, had a gorgeous smile, beautiful blue eyes, olive skin and a warm friendly face. I couldn't keep my eyes off him all night. I was in love.

Finally I let him go to sleep, but I couldn't sleep one wink. We talked the next day, and the day after, and the day after...and it carried on.

We liked each other from the start. He told me about London, his friends, what he did with his life..and I did the same.
From the start I knew he was something special, we had something here and I hadn't even met him yet.

It was a few weeks later that we became open and displayed our love for each other on facebook...only weeks after we had met. (sounds romantic I know) then on the 7th April 2009...I travelled 2 and a half hours on the train to London to meet him...a day I'll never forget.

We hit it off straight away. We shared the same love of films (back to the future, star wars, school of rock), we laughed at the same things, we took an interest in the things around us...we just...gelled. He took me around all the sights, and then came the chinese buffet.
I was terrible! I couldnt eat anything...he payed for it all...he was such a gentleman..yet I was too nervous to eat! I felt so awkward!

Then after the chinese, he took me to see Mall Cop :) We laughed at the same parts, I leant up to him...cuddled him. It felt like I had known him for years...I knew he was for me at that moment...I was so happy.

After he had walked my little feet off (and worn my feet down to blisters), he payed for us to go back to Euston and we said goodbye.

I've never cried so much on a train, I missed hell.

After that I spent nearly every other weekend down in London, I met his family and friends...and we just shared this amazing love.

I've never felt so happy with a guy before, he made me feel on top of the world...and still does to this day. I was always so self concious about my body and never thought any guy could look past that. But Jamie did, and he always has loved me for who I am.

I love him so much words alone cannot describe it. We are soulmates and I know we are right for each other.

Sure we have had our ups and downs, but I cannot think of a person I would rather want to spend my life with.

So here's to you baby, we've made it to a year...and counting.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I'll love you tomorrow.

Let's enjoy it.

Rachel x