Thursday 15 April 2010

Beware of Ducks.

The Ramblings...

They are out to get you.

This classic road warning sign can be found just around the corner from my house (technically you turn a corner, cross a park, do a left...) anyway. It's awesome.

It's awesome because it's warning road users of ducks, yes my friends..ducks. Not just any ducks...oh no...the 3 or maybe 4 ducks that live at the mere just down the road from this sign.
There are probably more, maybe swarms of ducks hiding in the bushes that we don't know about...or there were ...20 odd years ago when this sign was put up.

Can you imagine driving your car and then suddenly a load of angry ducks appearing from nowhere trying to cross the road? No I can't either...and in the 14 years of living in this quiet town I have never seen a duck attempt to cross the road....strange.

(Also notice the 2 "Mark Pritchard" signs above it, they are plaguing the lamposts everywhere at the moment!)

Anyway....these are the sort of things I will always remember about my town. Duck signs, meres, ducks, swans, grass ..etc. When I move to London I won't have any of those things...well I know there are some swans, ducks and a bit of grass xD haha.

This was a random always. I just wanted to tell you all about the features of my little town...there are a few others I just don't have pictures for them..yet =P

The Latest.....

I keep trying for jobs and so far haven't managed to get one ...yet. I won't give up though..
Jamie's been up to stay a lot and we've seen each other loads recently which is great... :)

As for other things, not much happening really. Just attending interviews and things, signing on at my favourite place in the world...the job centre and seeing friends and stuff.

I'm sure I'll have something totally awesome to blog about besides road signs and I'm sure one will follow after my upcoming trip to York :)

Thats it for now....


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