Tuesday 6 October 2009

Still Alive....

A whole summer has passed since I last bothered to write a blog post. What happened in that time? A lot... thats all I can say. I thought I'd post this blog as a sort of "Im-still-here-and-havent-abandoned-my-blog" thing. Yeah I guess it works. My life has changed dramatically over the course of this year. Take this year and 2008 into comparison and literally nothing is the same. I drive, I work part time at a nursery, I spend every other weekend in London, I have a boyfriend (7 months and counting), some of my thoughts/opinions have changed and Ive realised many things I didnt before.

I feel I have changed personally too, well first I have lost weight (thats cause J walks me round half of London) =P....and the desires in my life have changed too....I am more happy with what I have then I have ever been before. Ok I would love to live in London 24/7 with J, and I dont really like living where I do anymore but it could be worse. I know I will live there one day its my dream.

In about 10 days its my 18th birthday..[17th October]...Im going to see Phantom of the Opera with my family and Jamie, and then spending a whole week in London with J...seeing Tarja on the 19th and then celebrating Jamie's 19th birthday on the 22nd October. Can't wait to be with my gorgeous boyfriend for all that time <3 Its very rare to spend that amount of time together.

Im not going to lie and say I dont know why I havent blogged all summer its just simply cause I cant be bothered. End of I had a great summer , I went on holiday to cornwall and Jamie came too. It was lovely weather but I had to become ill with tonsilitus didn't I?! =( Sad times.

I'll post a few pics and then I'll be off

Nicky...looking at your blog inspired me to write this post

"About bloody time!"

Unfortunatley I have run out of effort to write anymore so I will end this "blog" now.


1 comment:

Nicole said...

"About bloody time!"

How did you know I was gonna say that?!!!

Pah. You've stolen my thunder now.

Oh, screw it.

About bloody time!