Saturday 5 April 2008

Rachel's philosophical moment.

In a room....just sitting eyes are going to automatically close due to tiredness..

I feel....descriptive.

Maybe I'll write a story.

Maybe Not..Maybe I'll just type what ever is coming into my head at this very moment.

The thing is, Im always always wondering, literally about everything.
The old fashioned, original questions like "Why are we here?" and "What is the meaning of life?".

But I'll never know, no-one will. Those questions are supposed to be answered only by God in my opinion...not by humans...

Wow. Im thinking heavy today.
The fact is, I needed something to blog about. I could tell you what Ive done so far today, but to be honest that isnt a lot so I didnt think I would bother..

Isnt it weird what some people will write on a blogging site on the internet, whilst sitting in a comfy study/bedroom sipping tea..
They probably will tell you how their day has been, or how their feelings are for some person in their life. Maybe , maybe not.
Or , they might say how they are truly feeling deep down, like how they are devestated about the death of a neighbours cat. I dont know.

What I write about on my blog seems always to be about my day, like I never write random blogs like this one.
I admit, this blog is really weird...I dont know why Im writing it!

Hm, I AM thinking heavy today...
I just looked at my friends blog, I think she started off a chain reaction or something..

Q. Why do all good things come to an end?
A . Because every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

This is quite true.

I hate it when things come to an end, like the Nightwish Concert, the Within Temptation concert, and amazing holidays.. but if they didnt end we would never appreciate the memorys afterwards. If they were on going we would never experience other great things...I dont know.

I think my brain is frazzled, it needs food.
Thats why I must leave this blogging place for something to eat...


PS. I know this was a really really strange blog, you (whoever you are) are probably thinking that im a nutcase that has nothing better to do than share her random thinking moments with the rest of the world.
And maybe, just maybe you are right.


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