Thursday 26 March 2009

Emotionally high

Erm so yeah hi.

La de da. Im in love, yeah thats right. He's amazing, I've never known anyone so great and makes me smile like Im on a high 24/7. He's called Jamie and I'm seeing him soon and Im pratically jumping as I write this...Well maybe not as the typing would be a bit haywire.... Plus he's the only one that knows School of Rock off by heart, loves Within Temptation and Nightwish and uhm makes me feel unbelievably special.

We sorta just stare into each others eyes and theres a connection, I can feel it. =).

I just discovered a couple 10,000 miles apart (Scotland & Australia) who vlog to each other on youtube, thought it was so sweet. =] I admire them for surviving THAT far apart from each other...that must be extremley hard.

ANYWAY.. *secret smile* =)

Been working at nursery these past two days, tiring work but I love it. The kids love me and I always miss them until the next time I see them. Today was tiring, I did first aid on a girl who bruised her cheek, managed to keep David calm/occupied and also quiet little Leo got so comfy on me he fell asleep so I had to lie him down on the cushion... Had a good day to be honest =) Just quite tired now hehe.

Driving tomorrow =D Wooooo cmon test, you cant be that far off now. Couple of months maybe???

I have so much to write about but cant put it in words lol [fail]

My delain album should be arriving soon ... It's SIGNED BY THE BAND !!!!! =P Woo, I love my dutch friends for getting it for me. "Oh yeah's" lol.


Oh I've got a new section in my blog now. Well sort of a "mini-filler".... called

"The 2 new videos I found on Youtube which I cant get enough of".

Its a mouthful I admit, but you really do have to watch these.

Daveyboyz - "Heavy Metal Farmer"

Insane farmer singing screamo style while being chased by cows.


CharlyandJosh - Comic Relief

This made me laugh continuously. Actually all their videos do.

(Charly..Josh... I think your awesome, I always watch your videos and have a laugh cause I can just relax when watching you guys. I hope you see this message....and that I get to meet you one day. Also your pretty awesome for being both christian like I am...yeahhh!)




Erm so yeah!

Im so happy.

1 comment:

charlyandjosh said...

Ha, wow, thanks very much Rachel, that's really nice of you! :-D We think you're, like, one of the first people to ever link to one of our videos.

If you ever see us at a YouTube gathering or something, do come over and say hello, and we'll probably love to chat to you. :-) Hope you're doing okay today.