Tuesday 9 December 2008


is a rather fun thing that we make at training :D Its solid when you hold it , and then when you let go its a liquid :D Its so cool...we have so much fun :P
Yeah training is good, Im so happy to be finally settled in something...I've made new friends and the subject is really my kind of thing.
Well, today we had to learn about child protection and that was very upsetting... =( Our teacher Michelle read us the Baby P story and it was so sad, she was crying by the end of it and I felt like crying too. How could a mother do such awful things to her own child? Makes me sick.

So the day dragged on and we finished at about 3, then Mum came and picked me up and we went to New College (WHY?!..You're thinking) . Well I had to sign some forms about EMA and I just stayed in the car, not going back in that crappy place and scared of going back there so..yeah. We went back home and went to woolworths where everything is so cheap and theres basically no stock in there, heck I bought a christmas card for 70p!. Then I went to the hairdressers and Im getting my hair cut on Friday...wasn't happen when they revealed the price ..hmph. Went to Somerfield and got some stuff for tea, and I bought Sams christmas present haha :P Its cool. Wont write it on here though ;) Secret stuff.

So yah, that was basically my day. Driving again on Friday, Getting on a train to see Mark on Saturday, christmas stuff on Sunday . As for the rest of this week, just training again...making posters woop woop! :P

Not much to report to be honest, Im absoloutley shattered.

Waiting on my new shoes, belt, Nicky's present, Mark's present and other stuff in the post... HURRY UP lol

*sings* Frozen? But what can I do? *sings*

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