Sunday 4 January 2009

The Rachel List.

I have a sister called Nicky. She isn't my real sister but she is pretty cool and one of my bestest ever friends. Thanks for letting me use this Nicky =]

Now go read her blog >

There is a time where I will be old and grey, maybe sitting at my computer in 2040 wondering where the time went. I will be looking for this list, and seeing my young 17 year old self as I was, what my thoughts were and my likes/dislikes. Enjoy - "The Rachel List"

The Facts
  1. My name is spelt Rachel not Rachael or Racheal.
  2. I am 17 years and 3 months old.
  3. I am 5ft 8
  4. These answers are boring
  5. I saw my cat give birth to 5 kittens in June 2008
  6. I have a weird bedtime - early hours of the morning
  7. I sleep with my mouth open
  8. I don't like attention seekers
  9. I realised that pasta bake is the easiest meal to make
  10. I want a boyfriend
  11. I'm fed up of being overweight
  12. I need to diet
  13. But I'm too lazy
  14. Which doesn't help
  15. I have 2 brothers
  16. And 1 adopted sister
  17. 2 infact
  18. I have been to Spain, France, The United States of America, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany.
  19. I have cousins in the USA
  20. I learnt to swim at the age of 11
  21. Eating food is more of a hobby.
  22. Ok I lie. It's a hobby and a necessity.
  23. I got a grade C at Maths GCSE
  24. I wore a black dress to prom with a cream shrug and gold/cream sash.
  25. I didn't have a prom date
  26. I wore my school uniform for the last time on June 12th 2008.
  27. Elizabeth is my middle name.
  28. I have 3 cats and 1 dog.
  29. I am clumsy
  30. I don't sleep on aeroplanes especially long haul flights.
  31. Early bed times don't exist for me.
  32. I know all the lyrics to Within Temptation's songs.
  33. And not enough lyrics to Nightwish's songs. I need to work on that
  34. I used to live in Derbyshire
  35. I now live in Shropshire
  36. I wear glasses because I'm short sighted, but don't need them to look at the computer screen.
  37. I own a webcam.
  38. I like my webcam.
  39. I love kids.
  40. Marriage is important to me
  41. I believe in god and have accepted Jesus as my saviour.
  42. Gigs are THE place to be.
  43. Photography is awesome, it's a hobby of mine.
  44. I could live off pasta.
  45. Im learning to drive
  46. And last lesson I managed to do reverse parking in the dark
  47. 3 Point Turns also.
  48. The twilight book by Stephanie Meyer was bought for me as a christmas present by Nicky.
  49. I can't put it down.
  50. I am a text-a-holic
  51. Not quite a blog-a-holic
  52. But definetley a msn-a-holic.
  53. I want to meet Within Temptation - It's my dream.
  54. I'm Claustrophobic
  55. Rubbish annoys me, especially in streets.
  56. I have morals.
  57. I like to be in control of a situation.
  58. I'm trained in first aid as an appointed person in the workplace.
  59. I did CPR on a dummy.
  60. I have brown eyes, with a smidgen of green in them.
  61. I am single.
  62. I hate it.
  63. I never want to go on a cruise, they scare me.
  64. I can speak french and spanish.
  65. Italy is my next holiday destination - In my dreams.
  66. I hate blood
  67. And needles
  68. I'm prone to passing out quite often - something to do with low blood pressure.
  69. I am employed as a saturday person.
  70. They mess me around a lot.
  71. I have an obsession with hoovering - I love it.
  72. My finger broke and grew back funny.
  73. I broke my big toe on my left foot once.
  74. I have my ears pierced
  75. Would like my helix pierced (top part of ear)
  76. Randomess is my 2nd name. (Not really)
  77. Im a libra.
  78. Spaghetti Hoops and cheese on toast is THE SEX. <3
  79. I want to work with children.
  80. Blogging never interested me until Nicky got me into it.
  81. Ripley is my 2nd home, with York being my 3rd home :)
  82. I laugh a lot. Especially at films
  83. Back to the future trilogy = My favourite films ever.
  84. Jam toast is yummy.
  85. I am self-concious.
  86. Pettyness annoys me.
  87. I would like the world to revolve around me
  88. But who wouldnt?
  89. Money shouldn't make you happy.
  90. But it bloody well helps
  91. Christian gigs are better than normal gigs as they have a meaning.
  92. Although seeing Within Temptation perform live is THE BEST.
  93. Call me Rach if you've known me for a while.
  94. Don't call me Tommo unless you're a boy.
  95. I never did my top button up on my blouse at school.
  96. I have worn eyeliner nearly everyday of the year since October 2007.
  97. Shallow, I know.
  98. I can touch type.
  99. A teacher once screwed my artwork up in front of my face. I was 5 years old.
  100. The last thing : I like to smile.
100*. I love my friends, family, pets and J.C

Thanks for reading :)

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