Sunday 11 January 2009

Story Preview.

From the second I opened my eyes this morning I knew today was going to be trouble.
I woke bleary eyed staring at the gray, dark ceiling and wiped the sleep from my eyes with hardly any effort. Waking up slowly but surely, something cold and wet hit my head within seconds. Drips of water were landing on my head somewhere from above and with a sigh I lept out of bed and stood on top, pressing my hand along the ceiling searching for the source of the water. I hated this house, it was so old and creaky. I'd lived here for the past few years when we had first moved here, and I swear the house needed knocking down and being built again.
Still searching for where the water was escaping from,t I realised the bed beneath me was creaking and before I knew it , the bed collapsed beneath me with a huge crack. My legs gave in beneath me and in the process , I managed to bump my head off the hard, wooden bedside table spinning my head into uncontrollable pain. I couldn't remember anything after that.

I'd always been clumsy since I was very young. It didn't help that my mother fell down the stairs while carrying me inside her , maybe It rubbed off on me when I was born.
I woke up in a very white room, I heard voices above me but it sounded so blurry and out of focus that I couldn't tell what they were saying. All I know was that I had an awful stabbing pain in the back of my head, so painful that it made me want to shut my eyes again and go back to sleep. This idea lasted for a few seconds until I heard , loudly and clearly someone say my name.

"Karen , wake up sweetheart, you're alright now". I knew I wasn't alright , but one thing I was sure of was that it was definetley my mother's voice. I opened my eyes wide and saw my mother's worried face, deep blue eyes and dark black hair in front of me , holding my hand in a cold grasp.

I asked her what had happened, and she said that I had a nasty fall. I couldn't remember anything from this morning but I still wanted to know why I had such bad misfortune and how I was wrapped up in white sheets in a hospital bed.

I heard my mother whisper, "I'll explain everything later, you rest now"

My tiredness and pain took hold of me, and I sank back into a deep sleep knowing I wouldn't wake for hours.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Oooh story, me likes stories...

Look at my story (or part of it)

I glowered moodily at the phone, daring it to ring. My stomach twisted uncomfortably at the very thought of what I’d have to say to him this time. Four weeks. Four weeks it had been since the convention, and he was still calling. He needed a better hobby.
Right now, this was my main problem. It seemed petty; trivial to the maximum and childish, but the boy that kept calling me non-stop was the single most irritating thing I’d ever come across. I wasn’t equipped with the necessary patience to deal with it; I could only rise above it.
And even that was something I felt I couldn’t do anymore.
I stood in the kitchen of a place I felt conflicted in calling home. Little Falls, Minnesota. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Little Falls, not at all. It was a thousand times better than the place we’d all but left behind, but it didn’t feel quite like home yet. It was noticeably not me. ‘Me’ was mountains, rivers, forests and the sea; colours and landscapes and wilderness. Little Falls wasn’t any of these things. I suppressed a sigh.

(personally I prefer yours...)