Monday 5 January 2009

Worries will melt away.

It snowed today. Lots and lots of snow!

I went to bed at 3 worrying about absoloutley everything and then had to get up at 8 and go into training. Yeh about that, I won't express my feelings...but lets just say I was upset.

Got stuck behind a tractor on the icy road, grr so slow. He was doing 30mph in a 60mph zone - gah!.

Saw my friends and finished at 2pm..thank god. The day had been home and slept for 2 hours in a deep sleep.


OK. Truth is, I feel crap. I broke down yesterday and all those bottled up feelings had released and were out in the open. I had 5 hours sleep last night and was not in a great mood. I don't want to complain but that's my problem, I never do about my problems...just about everyone elses. I worry about everyone else before myself. When someone asks me how I am, I don't like to admit I'm upset 'cause It isn't positive and I should be seen as the one who pulls herself together and moves on. This is the right thing to do through most people's eyes, but I've realised that I can't do it with it anymore. Im making myself unhappy by not talking about anything and believing I can cope when I obviously can't.

So , yeah everything happened yesterday. I was worried about training, I have been through so much....Anyway. Thats enough..


On a lighter note. I AM feeling better, a lot better than this time last night anyway. I watched some Michael Mcintyre earlier - he's hilarious! =]

Ohh &&& I really cannot stop reading Twilight ;) It's addictive!! <3


Sorry for the lines by the way, felt like it =]

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Do not apologise for the lines... lines are THE FUTURE.

Oof Twilight... love love love..

but EVERYONE at school is now obsessed. i've pees me off because it's Rob Pattinson they are slobbering after, not 'Twilight'.

I could have DIED in that place.

But yeah...

Twilight rant over..
