Saturday 3 January 2009

Reflecting & Moving On.

Having not blogged for ages, it's going to be one of those blogs where everything takes time to write due to the lack of posts on my blog recentley. Christmas and New Year have passed by, but I'm sure I did a minor blog about christmas...just not New Year.
Happy New Year 2009 - Diet. Exercise More. Pass your exams. Make friends. Find that 'other half'.
And all that malarky.
Truth is, I never stick to my resoloutions. I'm too lazy - Oops created another resolution there. Eep!
I hope this year will be good, I have no idea what is likely to happen, what will happen, where I'll be in a years time.
2008 was different.

It was like a massive build up to exams...leaving....saying goodbye's and wish-me-luck's...then I moved onto something totally different, something unexpected in the grand scheme of things. I was independant, mature and sensible enough to make decisions on my own.
There is a part of me that still wants to be in touch with last year. I have a lot of great memories, such as passing my gcse's with flying colours, having my school prom, getting a job, turning 17 and seeing Kerry give birth to 5 kittens. But there is also a longing to move on, for change. I guess anyone would feel like this with the arrival of a new year. It's a new year, a new start as people say. I want something to majorly change, I want to feel complete. Yes I would like a boyfriend to make me feel that way, but something else..either what I do everyday or even how I act in myself. Change is good, good for me right now.

Moving on.
Entering 2009

I want this year to be good, really good.
I watched the new year in with my family and Auntie Rachel and Emily. It was a bit too quiet for me , we didnt really party or anything. I suppose it was normal to me some years ago, but as Im 17 I'd much rather have gone out and partied or something. Emily stopped for a few days, and I get on better with her (she's 13) then I do with her sister my age. =) We had a good few days so it wasnt too bad.
I go back to my apprenticeship on Monday, Im praying everyone will be OK with me. Seems like some people are jealous in there, weird.
I NEED to go to some sort of music festival, gig or event!!!! I didn't see Within Temptation last year and I wont be able to see them this year either as they are having a break this year =( I didn't get to download '08 either.
I would love to pass my driving test!!! I've had 7 or 8 lessons now, and am feeling confident. Just need to pass my theory....learning it would be good beforehand though =P.

So as this was more of a thoughtful blog, I guess it should make up for my lack of blogs recentley.


& Happy New Year.

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